Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Week 2 : Technology as Part of Teaching and Learning Process

Hi it's me again carlo! Another week has passed and we learned something new in our Educational Technology Subject

but before we start what comes to your mind when you hear the word Technology? maybe some of you will rely on smartphones,tablets,computer as use for communication which is correct as we know that Technology is a body of knowledge which involves tools, materials, and systems and it also used for transportation,business and also in Teaching and Learning and we have to focused on this  especially for us future educator it will benefit us for our Teaching and Preparing Learning materials more easier .

Technology Evolving over many years and it keeps on improving depends on our needs and  we know that it has a big impact especially it helps our life more easier that's why they encourage the school and teacher to used this in education to guide them to become more effective in teaching and generally become digital literacy,adaptable or updated in the latest technology tool and changes on what the learners need and also to apply the educational trend using different modern learning tools to make learners more interested and acquired more knowledge.

As we started the class Sir.Redgie introduced the Information Communication Technology (ICT) that refers to technologies that provide access to information and it has a Competency standards which made up into 7 Domain Understanding ICT Education, Curriculum and Assesment, Pedagogy, Technology Tools, Organization and Administration, Teacher Professional Learning, Teacher Disposition. and it set as standard and guidelines especially for us future educator to become more competitive when it comes to advancement and  promote quality teaching-learning process and develop our skill using different learning resources including ICT and to become more effective and create new learning opportunities  to support learners.


Next is Sir.redgie Give us some terms related to technology for teaching and learning which help us to understand more the subject and the topic, how to use , when to use and their function he also give us the list of available software or Technology Tools such as Power point, excel ,word ,multimedia , Google and many more that might help us in future in preparing visual aids , digital activity game and also making a lesson plan to make  Teaching and learning more easier . Sir. Redgie also reminds us that not all the information that we gather  in the internet is true so we have to be aware on getting information to prevent misleading in information and conflict with the students.

As a future educator we have to embrace the technology to have innovative ways in teaching, to develop digital learning resources, apply relevant tools in school activities and also we have to understand their use, function,importance,and their effect especially to our learner  to make them more interested,more enjoyable,creative ,knowledgeable and to prepare and guide them for the future so use this technology wisely and effectively .

                                                Thats all for today! Till next time 😀

Photo Credits,online_chips:lifelong+learning&usg=AI4_-kS18nFg5-FdcO865LVjSfa-tPRFiQ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjhxLmavZbnAhUba94KHdM1CiUQ4lYIKygA&biw=1366&bih=576&dpr=1#imgrc=12m46etSqA4t3M:,online_chips:lifelong+learning&usg=AI4_-kS18nFg5-FdcO865LVjSfa-tPRFiQ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjhxLmavZbnAhUba94KHdM1CiUQ4lYIKygA&biw=1366&bih=576&dpr=1#imgrc=lbkOtbTUbeFDOM:,

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Week 1 : EdTech Journey Starts Now!

Hi ! Im John Carlo C. De Vega, I am graduate at Technological University of the Phillipines Taguig Campus under the Automotive Engineering Technology Batch 2015 Ive been working for 4 years in industry and decided to take Bachelors of technical teaching education. Because some of my workmates and friends encourage me to study again because they believe that I still have a long way to go. And this was not an easy decision, As you know, my career is very important to me. With this in mind, I feel it is in my best interest to begin my graduate work. By continuing my education"FYI this our last opportunity to take the ladderized degree program so i decided to grab this opportunity". So i was studying at night and working at day and yes it was hard  but look i finished the first term and now we are in the second term and i am taking this subject "Educational Technology".

So in our firstday of class we didn't expect that our teacher will be sir Reginal Cuntada one of  our Seniors in  BTTE my first impression to him was very strict and some kind of terror but it was all a mistake when he introduced himself, he was a jolly person,friendly,kind and make our class in laughter and he said he knew what we were feeling because he also came on the same situation and he said that we have to finish this course and pass the board exam and he also give us advice about our board exam,incampus and outcampus and he offered that he is willing to give us help to review in some subject when we will take the board exam. We are Happy and Comfortable that we are in a Good Teacher. 

So he introduced the subject Educational Technology which is focus on roles and function of educational technology for teaching- learning process He also show us the History of technology to education which help us to understand how our society change and develop. he also show us the syllabus, content ,grading system and what are we need to Learn and what are we need to do, he also state that we have to do a blog, we will having a reporting, and he said that this subject is interesting because it will help us to develop our digital method of teaching using technology and to identify and apply the educational trends. He also state the things that we should not to do during his class such as using cellphone, being late and absent and many more.

And he give us our first activity where he divided us into eight group and give us the topic which is related to the History of Education Technology that needed to explain and elaborate.(the topic that had been given to us is year 1600-1800 Public Education) that we observe that at this era Public education was introduced to get a better job in the future. At 1700 at this era intoduced the Black board and chalk which made in pine wood and uses to write the things that they need to learn and also to write the alphabet.1800 at this era introduced the books.

So this how my EdTech subject Journey starts Im expecting that this subject will benefit us as future educator to have digital method of teaching and i hope this subject will be more exciting,interesting and more fun. 

Thank you For reading! Till next time.☺️