Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Week 4: Misuse of Technology Can Harm you and the Society

Technology is every where and it is  very important to us because it makes our life more easier and can have many benefits  but due to misuse and abuse it can harm you,other people and the society.

So this is our 3rd meeting in Educational Technolgy and where about to present our report which is related to some issues  using technology which help us to know the proper use of technology and to prevent and be aware on the effect and consequence. So we are the first presenter and where about to tackle the copy rights,infregement and plagiarism. 

Copy right is helping the creator to protect their original work or giving them a legal right while plagiarism is copying other work and presenting as their own which is consider as stealing,cheating and dishonesty so if you copy some one's else work and they found out that you copy others work it can affect you personally they will brand you untrusworthy it also self-sabottage maybe you learn a little but not the whole process and it can be a legal issue if you copy someone's else work and it is protected by the law you violate the copy right infregement which is consider a crime and it is punishable you will be imprison for 3 to 6 years and you will be fine for 50,000 up to 150,000. So instead of copying others work why not to use your own learning or idea to create a very unique work and it will make you proud because it your own idea or you can use other work but make sure you have to acknowledge the original creator and have proper citation to live in peace.

The second reporter tackles about Netiqutte and Cyber crime law. So Netiqutte is important because it the proper way or polite way in communicating to others using technology to recpect them  and to avoid misunderstanding and it also help us to be aware in the do's and dont's and proper behavior or manner in online world.Having no nettiquette can lead us to Misuse and abuse of technology that can harm other's or it can harm you thats why it is important to know the Cyber crime law which help us or teach us to be aware and to prevent cyber attack using technology which is punishable . 

The third repoter tackles about Digital divide which is the uneven distribution access of information it is an social issue between those who have access to technology and to those without. As we know technology is evolving and the world is changing and it so unfair for those without access to technology and even to those who have access but limited in information so there are people who left behind about the advancement of technology which hopefuly help them to have easier communication,in learning to make it more effective ,to be gain more knowledge, economic growth in short it helps life more easier.

Technology have so many benefits that help us to make our life easier and we know that technology will not do something to harm the society and i beleive it is us human, due to misuse and abuse who threatens and harms our society in short the fault is at us human not the technology itself. So the only thing we can do is to educate our self to know the proper use of technology and to have the knowledge in recognizing the cyber attack or threats to avoid them and to know how will you protect your self when you encounter them.
Thats all for today! Till next time😁

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