Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Week 6: Learning Activities using Excel and Power Point For a better Learning Experience.

Teaching does not limited to textbooks and blackboards with our fun school activities using other resources such as excel and power point learning in school becomes more interesting and enjoyable.

So what's up today is our week 6 and 5th blog in Educational Technology and its me again your boy Carlo so we will talking about the learning activities that have been presented of each group.

So we are the group 1 and we are assigned to do an activity using a Microsoft excel it was a bit hard and challeging for us because first we dont know how to make an activity using it, and second we think that its easy to use the power point but since excel was assigned to us so we have to  work with it and third is that most of our groupmates are working so its hard for us to talk or disscuss our plan personally and im very thankful to my groupmates even if most of us are working they have given their time to cooperate by simply replying with our group chat and give their suggestions,their questions to the activity, in buying prizes to have a better outcome and also to our leader Mr.Billy Aresgaldo who is very hands on to this activity give us the task to have a better outcome so for Music and effects Mr.Virgil was assigned For Scoring Ms.Luruhama abasola was assigned For Hosting it's me and Jam Dizon.and i would also like to thank Mr.Lysandre Millagracia and Ms.Hydee Talosig for allowing us to borrow their flags and help us to have a better sound effect. 

So our activity called"Kaguro Mo! Jessica Soho,Handa na ba kayo?" So reason behind the title is simply meant to make you laugh and to catch your attention 😁 so the instruction of the game is that we need first the representative of each group second is they have to put their hand in their neck the third is after reading the question and when they hear the que its time for them to quickly get their flag and say the chant that assigned to them so the first person who do it quickly is the first person who have the opportunity to answer the question.the question is is divided into 3 categories the first one is the easy mode where the question is a little bit funny and consist of 1 point in each item for this round the second is the moderate question which is the question is bit hard,the question is came to our previous subject,sem which help them to recall and consist of 3 points each question for this round.the third is the difficult question which is the question is related to our topic that we reported last time which is the copy right,infregement,fairuse & plagiarism and consist of 5 points each item for this round.we make sure that the question is alligned or focus to the subject and it is meaningful and fun to enable student to engage with and develop their skills,knowledge and understanding and directly apply it in different ways. So since we are the last group who will facilitate the activity and we know that everyone is already drained their energy because they boost their energy in the whole activity even us facillitator's are we have to make a way to make them alive and engage them to our activity such as we have to make a funny introduction and jokes and present the prizes for them to catch our attention and it works and we see that they are still enjoying and willing to participate to the last learning activity. And the winner for this activity is the Group 2 ( janine,alariza,jullie,Venus) Congrats!

           Credit to Mr. Earl Amar
So we experience each group activities and all i can say is that we had so much fun even if we are a bit tired still everyone is game to participate so Good job everyone.the intent of this activity is  to help us  to learn,  help us to recall the previous learning, help us to be resourceful in doing activity to make class interesting and most of all helped us to enjoy and unite to work together so we could easily achieve our goal which is to enjoy the whole day and of course to win their prizes even though there was a bit of misunderstanding with other groups due to being too active and excited to win we still have to act professional as being a future educator because this is just only a game  or activity that just need  to be enjoyed and won't let the happy activity and frienship get ruined just because that. so be sport,enjoy the day ,chill & relaxed.and we ended the day with full of smile and memories.

         (Wag po tayo magpakilala sa                 chocolate -Lysandre2020😁) 

         (Ready get so! -Jam2020)

Teaching does not limited to textbooks and blackboards with our fun school activities using other resources such as excel and power point learning in school becomes more interesting and enjoyable and instanly energize the class  that are likely to result in achieving the intended learning outcomes and also help the student to develop their skill and knowledge and also help us teacher become more effective in teaching and to have a good classroom environment.Thank you

              That's all for today!😁

Video and Photo Credits:

For video and other pictures credit to Earl Amar

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