Thursday, June 18, 2020

Blog #3 Taking A Good shot! Phone Photography (My First Recorded Teaching Experience)

So what's up today is our week 3 and 3rd blog in Educational Technology and its me again your boy Carlo so we will talking about  My First Recorded Teaching experience.

When Sir. Cutanda Give us an activity of Recorded Teaching i find it hard because I'm not good at recording my self in front of the camera , Speaking  in front of the camera makes me feel akward, you have to be more presentable and i don't know what topic will present but knowing that this is a way of practicing our profession and developing our skills, so why not give it try, There is always a first time, for everything. 

Recorded Teaching is part of a "New Normal" doing this will help your student to acquire more knowledge and also help us Future Educator to speak well and become more effective in transferring  knowledge also to monitor our self on the things that we need to improve using this recording teaching, doing so needed a lot of Time, effort, creativity and Patience.

So First thing i do is to know what topic will i present and i find it hard also because i cant decide what topic will i present that can consist of minimum of 12 minutes but the good thing is that you can present your hobby as your topic, so first i choose the khalimba tutorial i love playing khalimba but i the problem is i cant create a video content that contains of minimum of 12 minutes.

My first video content.

 so decided to change it to my other hobby which is  Mobile Photography Tips/Tutorial. So i make some research on how to make a video and search about the tips on how to take photos using mobile devices then i make my script.

So I choose this Mobile Photography Content because i like and i enjoy taking pictures while making memories with the people you love, capturing the lovely things in life and also to share my basic knowledge about taking good photos using mobile devices anytime and anywhere.

So in order to get a good and better shots using mobile devices you have to consider this:
1. Clean the Lense
2. Set the Focus
3. Adjust exposure Manually
4.Do not Zoom in
5. Use Gridlines to Balance Shot
6. Stability equals better shots
7. Use the Lead lines
8. Shoot from different perspective
9. Use portrait mode
10. Edit image on the Go!

For more details please click the video link : 

Second thing is the material in making a video  you should have a materials like camera, tripod, microphone and app for editing but the thing is my camera is not working properly so i have to borrow my younger sister phone just to have a good video recording another one is the tripod I don't have this thing so i decided to create an improvise tripod just to have a stable and good video and it is part of being a teacher become more creative , also i dont have a microphone for better voice recording so i just use the built in microphone in the phone. if you can hear the video the voice sound is not clear. The other one is the application, so since its my first time i  ask my younger sister what app is good for editing and she suggested me the kinemaster at first I don't know how to use it but with the help of my younger sister and some search on internet i already learned. Hope than i can purchased those material so i can make more good and quality recorded teaching.

Third thing is the location so i look for a place where the lighting is good but i have some struggles because some of the things in our house are permanently in that area so if you can see in my video i have to edit it just to cover those visible things in the video. the other struggle is I can't manage the noise and i find it hard because every time I record my self  there are unnecessary noise such as the dog is barking, cats fighting at the roof,neighborhood playing loudly music that's why i always have to retake my shots and it is time consuming.

Doing this recorded teaching is also hard and challenging there are  times that i have to sleep late because you have to retake your shot or you have to edit your videos to make it more presentable and eye catching to your student, you have memorizes your script just to have a better and clear presentation but doing this is also a good experience and worth it  because it helps you to become more creative, helps you to become more confident ,helps you to see the things that needed to improve in your teaching skills and lastly helps you to become more ready and effective in teaching at this digital age.

So Finally I'm done with my very first recorded teaching and yes it is challenging but also I enjoy doing it. I know my output is not so good because I'm still in the learning process also I am open for any comment and suggestion  and i will use it as motivation or lesson so next time  i will make a recorded teaching there will be an improvement.

Ending it here! I hope you learn a lot. Thank you for reading, Till next time.

Pls also follow my page at intagram @ carloriesphotography

  Sample shot using Mobile phone


  1. Great work. I'm sure, just like what I did after watching your video tutorial, some of your classmates tried to do your tips and apply it one way or the other with their Phone camera. Keep it up.

    1. Hi Sir, Thank you for watching my video tutorial also for reading my blog and for giving me a good comment, i will use this comment as my motivation to strive hard and to improve more my Teaching Skills.
