Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Blog #4 Home Schooling

So what's up today is our week 6 and 4tth blog in Educational Technology and its me again your boy Carlo so we will talking about the Home schooling applying or relating the lesson that had been tackle last saturday in our subject educational Technology 2 .

As we face the Covid 19 More parents are now starting to choose home schooling instead of sending their child to schools because they are worry on their child's safety and it is one of the other option in order to continue the learning of the learner even if they are in home. Usually home schooling is conducted by Parent, Tutor and online Teacher. so since we tackle Edgar Dales Cone of Experience we can apply or use some of instructional design that helps our Parent or Online teacher to know what to  do in teaching at home or what to use during online class that will address the needs of our learners. so in online class or home schooling you can use the Television and motion pictures it is a technology equipment that provide a realism that gives understanding to the message that portrayed by actors so in teaching you can show some video in order to experience realism and develop a deeper understanding of a learner . in teaching online class or home schooling you can also use pictures and recording because pictures helps the student to easily absorb a large amount of information quickly by looking at the picture. while in listening in Audio recording  helps the learner to easily understand the voice, the sound and the lesson. you can also use visual symbol, it is shows some signs and symbols that help the learner to understand more the lesson. you can also use verbal symbols which represent some words or phrases that help the student to develop reading skill,and their critical thinking skills. you can also use the other instructional design that make them engage to the lesson at the same time they develop their higher order thinking skills but you have to consider if the instructional design you choose if  its  applicable in online class or home schooling so you can cater what the student needs and develop deeper understanding while enjoying learning at home.

Dale's Cone of Experience - Technology and Beyond

Learning in home will be more effective with the use of Technology Material. So relating to our Topic TPACK which is stand for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge that explain the set of knowledge that teachers need to teach their students a subject or lesson, Teach Effectively and use of technology. As we know home schooling is more effective when we use some of technology tool for learning. As a parent or Teacher we must have the knowledge of  using our  Technology tools in teaching because this secure the learning of the learners.you have also have a different method or practice in teaching and in using technology resources in order to cater needs of learner and achieve the learning outcome goals.  also in teaching you should have enough knowledge in  the content it should be mastered so student will deeply understand the lesson.
McGraw Hill Canada | What Is TPACK Theory and How Can It Be Used ...

Learning can happened at Home and Home Schooling is not new and it is done a long time ago.
 It is depend on the parents on choosing what is the best for their children to learn. some choose the home schooling because parent believe that they can be a good teacher or a partner in learning experience and believe that they can guide well their child. the only need of parent in teaching is a strong desire to help their children to achieve a better learning and believe that their children can and will succeed. just have have a proper way or methods of teaching, and also the proper use of technology will help you to address the needs  and will secure the learning of your children.
Children At Home With Tutor Or Parent Getting Education, Tiny ...v

That's all for today, Thank you for reading!

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